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Iain Maguire (he/him) is a short story writer born and raised in Scotland, currently living in New York. In the evening, he is often found taking long walks in Central Park in between coffee refills and bookstore deep-dives. By day he is a software engineer and technical instructor. As an avid fan of horror movies and literature, he endeavors to incorporate elements of his own experiences into his writing. He lives with his partner Kitty, their cat Priscilla, and an ever growing collection of books. He is currently working on his first novel.

September 1, 2024


For Kitty and Priss Orange neon tubing lettered a sign that hung bolted with rusted rebar to the sandstone above ...
June 1, 2024

Looking Up

At 2 pm, on a searing hot Sunday in July, Kealan stood on the juncture of 59th and 5th and ...