What we are looking for

We are look­ing for hor­ror of any sub-genre and are not squea­mish. We’ve read it all before and will read it all again, so send us some­thing that will real­ly set us back on our heels. Ter­ri­fy us. Make us squirm. Send us the best of your worst.

We wel­come art accom­pa­ni­ment for your sto­ries, as these may be used in our com­piled issues. Please, no AI art. We wish to fea­ture art cre­at­ed by human artists. If you are the artist, let us know. How­ev­er, if you are not the artist, please let us know that as well. Cred­it will be giv­en where it is due. Be sure you have per­mis­sion to use the art that you send to us.

What we are not looking for

We are not seek­ing any works that glo­ri­fy prej­u­dice of any sort. This does not mean prej­u­dice can not exist in the space of your sto­ry, but be cer­tain it is cast in its prop­er light. This includes work that is homo­pho­bia, trans­pho­bic, racist, sex­ist, ageist, ablist, and any oth­er ‑ists you can concoct.

We also do not appre­ci­ate gore for gore’s sake. If your sto­ry fea­tures gore, please ensure that it is nec­es­sary to the sto­ry being told.

If you are tru­ly uncer­tain if your sto­ry meets up to our expec­ta­tions, go ahead and send it and we will get back to you.

We do not at this time con­sid­er poet­ry and non­fic­tion sub­mis­sions for pub­li­ca­tion. Please do not sub­mit these at this time.

We seek first pub­li­ca­tion rights, but all rights revert back to you three months after pub­li­ca­tion. Please wait three months from the pub­li­ca­tion date before you post or sub­mit the sto­ry else­where. If you do pub­lish the sto­ry else­where, we would great­ly appre­ci­ate it if you would list Max Blood­’s Mau­soleum as the place of first pub­li­ca­tion. Also, this will allow us to cel­e­brate your con­tin­ued suc­cess in style!

Please thor­ough­ly edit and copy­ed­it your sto­ry before sub­mit­ting to us. Sub­stan­tial edits after accep­tance may not be honored.

We are a paying market. We currently offer $30 upon publication of your short fiction. Additionally, you will receive one contributors copy of the print publication.

Submission Requirements

Please be cer­tain your sto­ry is for­mat­ted with stan­dard short sto­ry for­mat­ting with your per­son­al details on the first page. We pre­fer Gara­mond or Ale­greya, 12 pt font.

Sto­ries must be at least 1,500 words long, and our loose upper lim­it is 8,000 words. Please, if you sub­mit a piece longer than this, be cer­tain every word is nec­es­sary. We will not do exten­sive edit­ing on your sto­ries for you.

Please sub­mit the sto­ry as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf document.

Keep the cov­er let­ter short and sim­ple. Noth­ing fan­cy required here. Please include a short bio told in the third per­son and include your pro­nouns. This is han­dled like such: Max Blood (he/him) loves his pro­nouns. This bio will be used on the site in your author details.

Please be aware that, if accept­ed, we will request an author pho­to and a url to a web­site or pro­file where our read­ers can seek more about you. The url is not required. The author pho­to, how­ev­er, is required.

Simul­ta­ne­ous sub­mis­sions are encour­age; how­ev­er, please noti­fy us prompt­ly if your sto­ry is accept­ed elsewhere.

To view our sample contract, please check out this download:

To submit, click on this link below:

Submit through Duosuma

Here is an excellent resource for tracking submissions:

Duotrope: an award-winning resource for writers

What’s scarier than short horror fiction?

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