Call for Submissions: Issue 4

Issue 3 is full, and we have no opened sub­mis­sions for Issue 4 of Max Blood­’s Mau­soleum. Please sub­mit your best hor­ror to us. See the sub­mis­sion guide­lines at Sub­mis­sions.

If you sub­mit­ted for Issue 3, please do not resub­mit. We will still go through the remain­ing sub­mis­sions for Issue 3. Please note that these are now being con­sid­ered for Issue 4.

Thank you to all authors who sub­mit­ted for Issue 3! It has some tru­ly spec­tac­u­lar pieces!

What’s scarier than short horror fiction?

Miss­ing Out! Sign up to join 132 oth­ers and receive ter­ri­fy­ing con­tent in your inbox, every quarter.

We don’t spam! You don’t like spam, and nei­ther do we.

Max Blood Photo
Care­tak­er at  // // Author Web­page // Oth­er Sto­ries

When he’s not home­school­ing and par­ent­ing, Max Blood spends his days spin­ning hor­ror tales for online audi­ences. He spe­cial­izes in the weird, the cos­mic, and the mon­strous. With a pas­sion for turn­ing cryp­tid sto­ries into pos­i­tive­ly hor­rif­ic mon­sters, he has cre­at­ed many tales of mon­ster hor­ror. He has also dab­bled in ghost sto­ries and body horror.

He cur­rent­ly lives in Bak­ers­field, Cal­i­for­nia where he writes his nov­els and short sto­ries, and in 2023, he launched Max Blood­’s Mau­soleum, a mag­a­zine of orig­i­nal hor­ror stories.

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