Keep updat­ed with the fol­low­ing news straight from our blog to our faith­ful writ­ers! Know when we announce a new call for submissions!

Submit through Duosuma
April 10, 2024

Call for Submissions: Space Horror Novels

Max Blood Publications is looking to publish a horror novel set in the bleakness of space. We are seeking submissions ...
February 20, 2024

Call for Submissions: Issue 4

Issue 3 is full, and we have no opened submissions for Issue 4 of Max Blood's Mausoleum. Please submit your ...
Cover mockup for Songs from the Void
February 13, 2024

Call for Submissions: Songs from the Void

Closed to submissions We have reached our target page length and are now closed to additional submissions. Thank you for ...
December 8, 2023

Call for Submissions: Issue 3

We have opened submissions for Issue 3 of Max Blood's Mausoleum, due out September 1, 2024. Please see Submissions for ...